Home » Article » Novel Devious Son of Heaven Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Beating up the Shangguan Hao with one punch

Chu Xiu passed the Wenxin Bridge.

Arrive at the first step of the ladder.

The ladder to heaven is very grand.

A stone step is like a mountain peak lying in front of you. If you want to climb the next step, you must climb over the previous mountain and constantly challenge your own limits.

There are 9999 steps in total on the ladder.

The higher someone climbs, the greater the pressure they will endure.

Pressure is determined according to the realm. Different realms have different pressure levels.

Release the true energy and spiritual thoughts, able to resist pressure.

The main test of the ladder is the strength of the foundation and the physical strength of the soul.

It just so happens that foundation, soul, and body are all his strengths.


The ladder to heaven shot out a blue beam of light and enveloped Chu Xiu’s body.

A gentle rhyme was probing his realm.

Next, anyone who wants to climb the ladder to heaven with Shengzi Chu will be suppressed to the same level as him.

That is the ninth stage of Shenqiao realm

“let’s go.”

The two brothers Qingfeng Xueyue turned into two white arcs of light and rushed straight up the ladder to heaven.

“Uncle Master, if I lose, don’t blame me.” Zhou Yi said it with a bitter face.

Que Daozi waved his hand: “Go ahead, win or lose.”

Zhou Yi nodded and flew away.

Then came the silent young god king, Jiang Zou, who stood up.

“Cousin, it’s up to you.”

“Cousin Shenwu.”

Shangguan Hao gently shook his folding fan and flew into the air, free and easy, like a banished immortal coming to earth, attracting the eyes of a group of young female guests who came with their elders. “He is so handsome!”

“Then who is it? He is also going to fight against Holy Son Taisu?”

“That’s Shangguan Hao, the prospective son-in-law of the Ji family…”

“I see… This is his plan to step on Tai Su’s face and please the Ji family.” A guest had a weird look on his face.

“The Shangguan family is in trouble!”

On the Ji family’s seat.

Shangguan Hao’s grandfather, Shangguan Qinghong, had a ruddy complexion and was stroking his beard with his right hand. He was talking to a great-sage ancestor of the Ji family with a smile on his face.

“Hao’er is exactly the same as his father when he was young, except he has a little more energy.”

“Young people who have spirit.”

Ji Changshou nodded with a majestic look on his face. He didn’t really want to talk to Shangguan Qinghong because he felt that this person was too utilitarian.

In fact, he did not agree with the marriage between Shangguan Hao and the princess of the Ji family.

However, that princess fell in love with Shangguan Hao and said she would never marry him unless he was in her life.

He was helpless, and sighed in his heart.

“Let’s talk about it if the other party can really show amazing talent!”

Millions of people looked at the ladder, with tension and expectation in their eyes.

“Senior sister, do you think Saint Taisu can defeat these five people?”

The woman in the purple skirt looked at the Yaochi Saint, whose face was covered by a white veil and looked as quiet as a virgin.

Another woman in a red dress also cast a curious look.

The Saint of Yaochi’s eyes were clear and pure, and she said softly, “I don’t know Chu Xiu, so I can’t predict this battle.”

“However, it is said that he once broke the ancient limit of Taisu Pagoda. He should be very strong in the same realm.”

“The twin sword bodies of the Endless Sword Domain want to kill him… I don’t know if anything will happen to him.” The woman in the purple skirt sighed.

“If Chu Xiu falls in the Holy Son Ceremony, Taisu Holy Land will definitely be furious. By then, war will break out in our human territory.”

The fourth sword master twirled his beard, smiled broadly, and said to the female Taoist nun sitting next to him:

“Master Daoyun Peak, my two disciples are not serious about their actions. They accidentally killed your holy son. Don’t get angry.”

Peak Master Daoyun’s face didn’t look good.

“Fourth Sword Master, if your two disciples are killed by our Holy Son, don’t blame us too.”

“What can Chu Xiu do?” The fourth sword master said firmly, having absolute confidence in the strength of his two disciples.

“Then just wait and see.”

Peak Master Daoyun looked sideways at the bottom of the ladder.

“Come on, Senior Brother, beat them up.” Taoyao roared fiercely.

Ladder to heaven.

Chu Xiu’s eyes moved slightly as he looked at the five children.

Long Qingfeng sneered and made the gesture of wiping his neck, which was extremely provocative.

Long Xueyue simply ignored Chu Xiu.

The god king of the Jiang family was in a daze, paying no attention to anyone, and was counting the birds flying in the sky seriously.

Taiyi Taoist Zhouyi cupped his hands to Chu Xiu and said with a smile, “Brother Chu… I’m so offended. In fact, I’m just here to make soy sauce. You don’t have to worry about it.”

Chu Xiu nodded slightly.

Finally, he looked at Shangguan Hao.

I have to admit, the pretty boy is indeed quite pretty.

“His Royal Highness the Holy Son.” Shangguan Hao, with red lips and white teeth, gently shook his folding fan and smiled very much.

  “let’s start!”

“I can’t wait any longer.”

Long Qingfeng flew towards the first step.

He has a solid foundation and ignores the heavy pressure on the first step.

“Brother, wait for me…”

Long Xueyue followed her brother up.

Then came Jiang Zou, and then Zhou Yi. The four of them used their own methods to climb up.

As soon as Shangguan Hao closed his folding fan, he rose into the sky, his white clothes fluttering, and his head was full of confidance.

He stood on the first step and did not continue to go up. Instead, he looked back at Chu Xiu and smiled.

He don’t plan to climb up, He want to defeat Chu Xiu on the first step, for fear that others will steal the limelight.

The crowd below was in an uproar.

Everyone saw Shangguan Hao’s plan.

“This guy has gone too far.”

“Is the Shangguan family so arrogant?”

“If Chu Xiu was defeated by Shangguan Hao on the first step, wouldn’t this be equivalent to a slap in the face of everyone in Taisu Holy Land?”

“This guy deserves to die!”

  “kill him!”

“The Shangguan family really thinks that by being close to the Shangji family, we can’t do anything to them?”

All cultivator in the Taisu Holy Land have a rage value of +60%.

Chu Xiu jumped up to the first step, facing Shangguan Hao from a distance.

“Your Highness the Son of God, I’m really sorry, I’m in a hurry! sorry to offended you.” Shangguan Hao smiled, opened the folding fan with a snap, and shook it gently, leisurely and contentedly.

“Time is really tight, let’s end it as soon as possible!”

The smile on Chu Xiu’s face gradually became better.

Shangguan Hao smiled and said, “I will give His Royal Highness the Son a few moves.”

At this time, the four people who were climbing up also stopped to watch the battle.

“My weapon is a fan. Your Majesty, please take out your weapon!”

He just finished speaking.

The golden Dao patterns under Chu Xiu’s feet were densely covered, and his xinzi secret technique speed was unparalleled in the world. He left an afterimage on the spot, reaching a distance of several thousand meters in an instant.

  “So fast..”

Shangguan Hao’s pupils shrank and purple light shone, trying to catch Chu Xiu’s movements with his divine pupils and give him a counterattack.

Unfortunately, Chu Xiu’s speed was too fast, far beyond his imagination.

Moving forward bravely, the domineering and unparalleled golden fist seal had already hit his handsome little face.


The terrifying force knocked Shangguan Hao thousands of meters away. With a loud bang, his body hit the stone wall under the second staircase.


He opened his mouth and vomited out blood mixed with internal organs. Most of his bones were broken by a punch.

Chu Xiu shrank to the ground, stretched out his right hand, and pressed it against the stone wall.

With a soft smile, he clenched his fist with his left hand and hit the opponent’s face with a bang, causing blood and teeth to shoot out.

Two punches, three punches, and four punches

“You want to step on me and get the upper hand? Huh?”


“Fill a cup? Fill a cup in front of me?”

“Ah ah ah…”

“Don’t…save me…save me!”

“Spare my life, please!”

Shangguan Hao was in extremely miserable condition, with more air coming out and less air coming in. His survival instinct drove him to seek help.

“How many more tricks do you want me to do? Huh??”

Chu Xiu smiled kindly.

Punch after punch hit Shangguan Hao’s face, almost breaking his head.

“You’re smiling, you fucking keep laughing!”


Fists fell like raindrops.

The scene on the first staircase happened so fast that no one expected that Shangguan Hao would be instantly killed by Chu Xiu!

At the Ji family’s seat, Shangguan Qinghong’s expression changed drastically, and he rose into the air.

He shouted anxiously: “Your Highness the Holy Son, I admit defeat for Haoer, please show mercy! Spare his life.”

Chu Xiu’s movement in raising his fist stagnated.

Shangguan Qinghong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank you, Holy…”

His words of thanks have not yet finished.


Chu Xiu looked indifferent, like picking a watermelon, and twisted Shangguan Hao’s head from his neck.

Warm blood spurted from his neck and splashed on his fair cheeks. The scene was bloody and weird.

He lifted Shangguan Hao’s head, turned around, and looked directly at the old man standing in the air with a dull face.


With the force of his right hand, Shangguan Hao’s head was crushed into pulp… red and white things were splashed everywhere!

Standing in a pool of blood next to the headless corpse, with black hair and clothes fluttering, he said in a calm tone:

“Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of letting this Holy Son keep your hand?”

He raised his chin.

“Tai Su’s majesty cannot be insulted. Anyone who offends Tai Su will be killed.”

His voice was not loud, but it reached everyone’s ears.

All the disciples in Taisu Holy Land felt their blood boiling.

“Those who offend too much will be killed.”

“Those who offend too much will be killed.”

“Anyone who offends too much will be killed.” 

The tidal wave of shouts shook all directions, and murderous intent rushed to the heaven and earth, making some disciples of the great land turn pale.